Episode 188 Posted on August 3, 2023 12:39 pm by cetius Comment Episode 188 [ 36.91 MB ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (369) Guests: Sam Landman and Derek Lee MillerExpression 1: Glenmorangie Malaga Cask 12yrExpression 2: Wemyss “A Matter of Smoke” 15yr 📂This entry was posted in Podcast 📎and tagged Glenmorangie Wemyss
February 18, 2013 cetius The Pilot[display_podcast] So, here's the pilot recording Dave and I did with the other friends with whom we...
February 16, 2014 cetius Episode 26[display_podcast] Do atheists believe in alcohol? Well, that depends on the pour, as we find out in...